§ The Role of Blood Atonement in Salvation’s Terrestrial Adjudication


  1. God executes the first act of substitutionary blood atonement by slaying animals to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve following the universal enmity decree made at Eden (Gen. 3:1521). (That blood atonement is the only God-ordained means for effecting reconciliation and that this original act of atonement does not cover the serpent indicates that the saving plan of reconciliation does not extend subterrestrially to satan or any netherworld spirit beings for whom hell was prepared (Mt. 25:41). Therefore reconciliation can never be universal, and neither hell nor the Lake of Fire are places in which terrestrial blood atonement can be applied.) 


  1. The image of God found in terrestrial human blood (Gen. 9:6) is the basis for all judicial accounting of man (Gen. 9:5) while blood atonement is reserved for the purging of sin from the soul (life) found in the living human bloodstream—blood for blood (Gen. 9:3; Lev. 17:11; Ezk 18:20; Heb. 9:18-28;12:24; I Pt. 1:2;18-19; I Jn. 1:7,9). (All blood is shed on earth for blood on earth. In hell and the Lake of Fire, no human blood exists to be purged because it is left in the ground (Gen. 4:10; Ps. 30:9) nor therefore can Christ’s saving Blood be further applied. If it is argued that the Blood of Christ was already effectually applied to the whole world during earthly life, then there is no basis for any souls to have been damned to the netherworld. They were already “saved.” Thus by any reckoning, effectual salvation upon the blood by the blood is not available in the netherworld.)




  1. The reconciliation issues forth from only one act of atonement accomplished for all time yielding not only salvation for the sanctified (Heb. 9:28 10:12,14; 13:12), but parallel anti-reconciliatory vanquishing annihilation of enemies (Heb. 10:13Lk. 20:42-43(19:27); Ac. 2:34 I Cor. 15:24-27). (An anti-reconciliatory purpose directly resultant from the only act of reconciliation available to man disproves the possibility of universal reconciliation.)


  1. The power of the one reconciling atonement is limited to mortal application one time, past further violation of which no re-reconciliation / re-atonement is possible and for which consuming fiery judgment under vengeance without mercy is the sole and opposite terminal expectation (Heb. 10:26-31; 12:17). ((Please see further Point 105 below and the Epilogue.) This single passage from all of scripture summarily disproves the possibility of universal reconciliation.)


  1. The redemptive reconciling atonement of the Lamb of God enables avoidance of and protection amidst His scrolling end time judgments including the final judgment bar, but does not preempt the judgments or the universal adjudicating bar, establishing the definition and delimited scope of atoning salvation in terms of that bar (Rev. 5:9-106:15-177:3,9-179:411:17-1812:10-11 13:7-814:1-5710-11,1915:7-17:118:819:1-3711,13-1520-2120:11-15). (No evidence exists for a definition or application of the atonement beyond or apart from reference to the one conclusive universal adjudicating bar. Thus there is no foundation for asserting application of the atonement past that bar.)


§ Book of Hebrews: Exacting Terrestrial Specifications of the Atonement

103. The parameters and conditions pertaining to the operation and application of salvation to the human heart are expansively detailed and predicated on the exacting patterns established through the Old Covenant sacrificial system (Heb. 8:1 – 10:39). Those patterns and teachings reveal the following:


104.  Salvation is limited to the present tense effect of Christ’s sacrifice on this side of death (Heb. 10:9-22), to wit:

105.  With the one sacrifice of Christ comes only one opportunity to receive its hope through forgiveness and new birth to the saving of the soul and resurrection. If that opportunity is taken but then abandoned, no further salvation is available but only the expectation of non-salvific consuming fiery judgmental fury (Heb. 10:25-31,38-39). To wit: