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Did the Christian Really "Win" the Lottery?
The Money System and the KingdomThere is a lot of talk these days about "bringing the kingdom to earth." But the kingdom will not be seen in the earth until the control of the earth's money system is transferred into the hands of God's people.
To appreciate this, a number of things have to be understood. Those things form the meat of this article:
- The love of money is the root of all evil.
Sounds simple and familiar enough. We understand this on a personal level (at least we think we do.) But to understand it pertaining to the kingdom, we must understand that the present earthly money system is intrinsically linked to satan and his original rebellion. The money system as we know it is NOT neutral, but is found at the heart of the first rebellion. If you will read Ezekiel 28 carefully, you will find the original meaning for Jesus' word that the "love of money is the root (or beginning) of ALL evil."
Satan was first corrupted by a lust for heaven's riches. On that basis, he conducted a rebellion tantamount to what we today would call a "trade war." For this, he was cast from heaven, and from there imported his lust into the earth, skillfully working through the ages to build a world empire on an unjust money system under his control. Satan's quest for world dominion has always been directed through seeking control of earth's monetary system just as He sought control of heaven's. If he can control the money system, he can control the earth. That's all there is to it.
Revelation 13 testifies to the truth of this. Simply, the final world "antichrist system" is one based on the control of earth's money system. All buying and selling is to be conducted under this system.
- Before the Lord's people can gain control of earth's money system, they have to be delivered from its control of them. And before we can be delivered from it, we have to be delivered from our ignorance under it.
You may not like this, but as an earthly body called "God's royal priesthood," the truth is we are all controlled by this satanic money system. It is a system of numbers, of credits and debits, of electronic numbers, paper and plastic—nothing more, nothing else. It is controlled by an "elite" group of people throughout the world, is backed by nothing more than the labor of those who ignorantly and willingly slave under it (including you and me) and is welcomed on the promise that it will provide "social security" (ie, "Peace and Safety") to all of us.
Slavery under this system has nothing to do with whether we are free to name Christ or preach or minister—at least not until its final end. Most "kingdom" believers think they are not under such a system unless their ability to profess their faith under it becomes an issue. Most "kingdom" believers also think that this system is neutral, and if their ability to minister is not hampered by it, then they are free to work and play and minister within it to "the glory of God"—even to "bring in the kingdom" under its watch.
As believers we think nothing of enslaving ourselves to mortgages, taking out loans, signing up our children for social security numbers, and submitting our churches to become state-created entities ("incorporations") for the purpose of monetary benevolence ("tax breaks") from this system. And we give ourselves freely to supporting politicians, even Christian ones, who think they have a better way to "tame it." (Meanwhile, major respected prophets have become ensnared into using their office to "prognosticate" over the ups and downs of the stock market—telling us like rodeo coaches how the church can best ride this beast.)
Meanwhile, we all remain unwitting slaves, and satan's system tightens on the earth by the day. Sure, we have "the anointing," and we talk about the "anointing that breaks every yoke." But strangely, the anointing has not touched the yoke of this system nor alerted us to it. I wonder why.....
- Before the church can awake and be delivered from the monetary system, we have to have our own personal "love for money" washed out of us.
Now we are talking about the pure, simple obedience of true discipleship. While faith for some things may require an anointing, there is no "anointing" for the faith of obedience. We either surrender to the Lord regarding our personal affairs with money, or we look to the system to save us through deeper indebtedness.
Jesus gave us some rather simple straight-forward maxims for governing our relationship to money. He said, "Look to the Father for your supply, not the system. What do you need? Look to the Father. What has the Father given you a vision for possessing for Him? Look to the Father for it. Do you seek to be entrusted with much? Then first GIVE what you have to others."
I'm thoroughly persuaded that the Lord's will is to bring each and every believer out of debt to the present money system and into true independent prosperity through faith in Him. I'm also persuaded that only as we all discover the Lord's personal road to deliverance from personal debt will the Lord anoint the corporate church with the earthwide strategy for "overcoming the beast" and his numbering system called money.
Most of what we call prosperity today is imaginary. It is "debt prosperity." It is not ours. It is the bank's! The Lord definitely promises we can have "lands and houses" and we can be prosperous in this life. But prosperity-through-debt under the present system is an illusion—no different than the indentured black servants who otherwise lived well on the wealthy plantations of their white owners.
Before we can be freed from the debt money system, we have to be willing to DO WITHOUT and to GIVE UP WHAT WE HAVE where necessary for the sake of others and/or for staying out of debt. The Lord's promise of prosperity through lands and houses is based on our first having given up everything, forsaking all to follow Him. You can't get free from the system and know what He has for you in prosperity until you first give up everything in poverty to get washed from your own direct love of (false) wealth. GIVE and you shall RECEIVE.
Transfer of Wealth?
We've heard much about transferring the "wealth of the wicked to the righteous." This phrase truly prophesies that the church will one day be delivered, will overcome the devil's money system, and so the kingdom of God will come to manifestation. But right now, most of this transfer talk is really about transferring the banker's "wealth" from the indebted to the indebted! It is talk by ignorant slaves (ie, us) who want to live on a richer plantation instead of a poorer one—and believe they can do so by removing other richer slaves.
Fact: there is no transfer of true wealth to the righteous where the righteous remain slaves under the present money system and wealth remains defined in terms of paper and plastic created out of nothing and owned by bankers!
The other day, an already-millionaire Christian won a "lottery." Some say this is God transferring the wicked's wealth to the righteous. But winning a lottery of today's "money" is only transferring the security-through-indebtedness of many slaves to one slave. Now, in his greater security-through-indebtedness to the creators of that money, the "winning" Christian immediately loses a third to "taxes" and then has to give most of the rest back through a lifetime in a higher tax bracket! And the slave-pastors he gives any of it to come under the bondage of increased IRS scrutiny! The more of this "money" anyone has, the greater a slave he becomes to the system that controls it.
So what did the Christian lottery-winner win? He won greater security through slavery under a wicked system. That is all. (As a personal aside, do you really think God wants to transfer the earth's wealth to His people on the wings of the gambling spirit? [Note: 1-29-04 The incident on which this article is based occurred in Dec. 2002. For a telling follow-up report to this incident, please click here.)
If we expect to see God's end-time transfer of wealth to us, then we need a concept of wealth that transcends bank notes! And we need to understand that a transfer of wealth ultimately demands—not a transfer of federal slave "dollars" from some to others, but—a transfer of control of the earth's money system itself! (God will yet provide more revelation on this. But if we don't understand this, then what do we expect God to transfer to us when there are no more dollars or pounds or pesos—only marks on the hand or forehead?)
How dark must it get before we awake?
The only question left is: How far along must the enemy's strangling money system develop before we each get serious about living by faith regarding monetary issues? The longer we wait, the harder it will be to get free, and the more certain we will be slaughtered in the tribulation—not as overcoming martyrs, but as pawns. By that time, it will be too late for most.
I personally believe our subjection to the tribulation's pressures will be directly proportional to how much or little ahead of it we have surrendered to the Lord for deliverance from the love of money and from soul addictions to the creature comforts that earth's "slave money" now buys. It will be proportional to how much or little we have surrendered to live by faith in dependence on Him alone for our provision.
The same applies to our ability to enter prosperous wealth management tied to the vision HE has planted in our hearts. It's not—I believe—the Lord's will to leave us finally destitute in this life (—dare I say not even in the tribulation?) He has a plan for our prosperity as He did for Abraham, the Father of Faith. But our ability to enter into the prosperity tied to His plan is directly proportional to how much we come to give up our lust for general prosperity to in turn become freed from the present artificial monetary system.
The desire to be rich—and to be so in terms of the present system—stands between us and the Lord's vision for our prosperity. The Lord's earthly prosperity for us is not dependent on the world's system of wealth. But only to the degree we get cleansed of our attachment to that system will we realize the Lord's ultimate prosperity for us.
[Note: Nothing I say here today diminishes the importance of our ultimate pursuit of eternal immortality. Nor does it upstage the weightier issues of relationship with the Lord and others. These are paramount to ANY issues regarding money and earthly prosperity. But how we relate to faith concerning this money system has, I believe, direct bearing on our ability to love, and to eventually press into that final change of all changes in the Lord. So we must pay heed to it.]
If then we are to talk any more about "bringing the kingdom to earth," let's allow the Lord to illumine us to all this, and let us respond in faith to take the actions He inspires upon us—while we still can. (There is much—so much—to learn here. And in all this I preach to myself.)
Here's to your illumination, your deliverance, and your conquest of the money system—for the Love of God!
Cheers to all.
Chris Anderson
Riverside, RI
First Love Ministry
- a ministry of Anglemar Fellowship
Webmaster littleflock@netzero.net
Page created October 22, 2003