Lessons From
The Wilderness
[ Part I ] [ Part II ] [ Part III ] [ Part IV ] [ Part V ]
[ Part VI ] [ Part VII ] [ Part VIII ] [ Part IX ] [ Part X ] [ Part XI ]
One immediate result of the Spirit's soul-dividing sword is a quickened awareness of what is wrong with the state of spirituality among the surrounding body of Christian believers who--whether due to immaturity and/or willful resistance--have not submitted to the same inward death of identity separation.
Why is this? Why this awareness of what is wrong around us? It's simply because greater inner spiritual light more greatly exposes outer soulish darkness for what it is. It is very much the same as how our original new birth exposes to us more clearly the darkness of the unconverted world around us. Only now the light divides between levels of believers, rather than believers from the world.
This new inner light of the Spirit is both negative and corrective, and becomes an indelible part of our awakened consciousness to God's holy perfection. This intensified awareness remains with us because the light that exposes it to us remains within us and we cannot escape it if we wanted to.
Not that the mainstream body of the prophetic can understand this. For them, God has been drawn as so entirely positive and affirming, and anything the scriptures say otherwise is reinterpreted as if it were positive and affirming. So if one speaks a prophetic word that isn't positive and affirming, it "can't be God." Anything not "positive and affirming" is usually considered a fleshly spirit of criticism and judgmentalism as found in Gal. 5 (never mind that Paul himself has plenty of negative corrective things to say to his churches.)
As a result, baptism into negative corrective revelation leads to marginal isolation or outright separation of those touched by it out from the mainstream church. Welcome to the wilderness! Nonetheless, such revelation is verifiably from the Lord, whether it is believed to be or not. But at this point we have to ask ourselves, "So what do we do with this revelation?"
The Legality of Negative Corrective RevelationNegative and corrective prophetic revelation is not given for its own sake, but to lead us and others to a higher knowing of the Lord Himself. This is important to understand. Spiritual revelation is a form of knowledge; and knowledge is the most basic form of law. The knowledge of good and evil is the base substance of all moral law. This includes negative corrective prophetic illumination. Such illumination is "legal" in nature.
Now Paul tells us that the purpose of law is to lead us to the greater grace of who Christ is in His glorious perfection. Well, this is also the purpose of negative corrective revelation. It is not for the purpose of being critical and judgmental as if to hold others accountable to us for what we see about them. But as a form of law, it is for the redemptive leading of ourselves and others closer to the Lord in His perfection through repentance.
We must understand that spiritual life is found only in knowing the Lord, not in the law of corrective prophetic revelation. "This is eternal life, that they might know YOU, and Jesus Christ Whom YOU have sent." There is no life in negative corrective prophetic insight. Such insight is but a necessary means to this end.
The Higher Call to Knowing the LordHere lies the first hurdle for wilderness prophetics. Being now illumined to the corrective prophetic, wilderness saints know the mainstream prophetic is entirely off-base when all it can prophesy is "God is good--all the time...hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil confessions!" We see in this the deficiency of what is not really the knowing of God, but is the "knowledge of good" in God's name. It is a gravely inaccurate mischaracterization of God.
However, unless we learn how to move redemptively from negative perception of the immature / disobedient mainstream and into the knowing of our Lord in His living perfect wholeness, we are no better than the mainstream! We are simply living on the flip side of prophetic law. We are living by the prophetic knowledge of evil.
Indeed, the prophetic church remains divided because the wilderness and mainstream prophetics have simply planted themselves on opposite sides of the revelation of good and evil. Neither is planted in the full knowing of Christ in His perfection, and each becomes mired in their side of a seriously inaccurate caricature of the Lord.
Wilderness prophetics, having the greater vision, also have the greater responsibility for coming to the gracious whole knowing of the Lord in all things. But where they fail to do so, they also come into the greater condemnation. While mainstream prophetic meetings built on nothing more than "God has a good destiny for you" may seem shallow and empty (and they are)--try sitting through wilderness prophetic meetings built on nothing more than negative corrective revelation! If you want to see death in action, look no further!
Why is this? Why are wilderness meetings as dead as mainstream meetings are shallow? It's because wilderness saints stop to feed on their capacity for negative corrective perception of the soulish church rather than on the Lord. Truly, most wilderness prophetic ministries do not know how to lead us to the wholeness of the Father through First Love any more than the mainstream prophetics know how to endure the sword that severs our identity before the Lord. This is our first mistake. And if we fail to transcend the prophetic revelation of evil to abide in First Love, then we become subject to the fleshly cultic spirits of critical judgmentalism for which the mainstream rejects us.
Our second mistake is to seek out fellowship based on our negative corrective revelation against the mainstream church rather than around our pursuit of the Lord. Once we begin building fellowship around our capacity for corrective insight, not only do we become mouthpieces of fleshly criticism, but we also open ourselves to greater demonic influences. By our negative "anti-fellowship" we become lured into prophetically-pharisaic and elitist doctrines of discipleship, salvation and group destiny. It's the stuff cults are made of. (And if all this happens while we are still part of the mainstream church, we become additionally guilty of spreading a spirit of sedition against authority, something God abhors.)
Majors in Negative or Corrective PerceptionWhen you follow this out across the wilderness, you will find that some ministries major more on "corrective" revelation while others major more on "negative" revelation, i.e., the revelation of darkness itself. Those who specialize in corrective revelation draw their strength from castigating the mainstream church's flaws, evils and shortcomings. Well known newsletters and radio programs are easy to cite, but I will spare you.
Other wilderness prophetics major more on negative revelation dedicated to exposing all the satanic plots they can uncover in the church, the culture, the government, the world, etc. They write books, build websites, air programs, and hold conferences devoted entirely to exposing and warning us of the nature of every evil conspiracy. They use scripture combined with other prophetic words and signs to set dates and times as to when all the calamitous evils will take over and the judgments will fall. This is the basis of their identity and "fellowship" in Christ.
Don't misread me here. Under skilled direction toward pure devotion to Christ, corrective and negative revelation is absolutely needful. We NEED it for our own warning and preparation. But we only need it enough to redemptively lead us to the Father's wholeness and to fulfilling our positive sonship destinies through First Love.
You will notice that here at First Love Ministry, I freely but guardedly present negative and corrective prophetic insight. Such insight is vital to bringing us to perfection in Christ. We can't come into sonship without the prophetic correction of the Father (Heb. 12)--regardless of what the mainstream prophetic chooses to believe about it. And He requires us to be "wise as serpents" when it comes to perceiving what is driving the devil's agenda under the surface of national and world events.
But at the same time, corrective and negative revelation is not the end game of the Father's heart or of this ministry. It is not the standard by which I am identified, nor the basis for my fellowship with you. John says "Our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ"-- not in our corrective perceptions of the mainstream church or our awareness of satan's lurking evils--even though we may find our first common ground through similar awarenesses.
This is important! Sometimes when I release articles highlighting needed correction or exposing a certain evil, it attracts deep wilderness people who want to sign up for fellowship with me based on our common negative or corrective revelation. [On the other hand, when I release positive prophetic articles that reach out redemptively to the mainstream, some from the desert use their corrective revelation of the mainstream to put me to a litmus test for fellowship: "Are you of that evil party of the Kansas City prophets?"]
While I can appreciate where all these folk are coming from (I was one of them!), I have no choice but to tell them I can't base my fellowship with them on our common negative revelation or on my separations from others based on it. Unless they want to share a higher journey to become perfected in First Love for the Lord, they should take their negative and corrective perceptions elsewhere.
If you are a wilderness saint, you need to stop right here and ask yourself whether you want to really come into the knowledge of Christ, or to simply abide in the prophetic revelation of evil?
Next: Stewarding Divine Zeal and Anger
Chris Anderson
New Meadow Neck, RI
First Love Ministry
- a ministry of Anglemar Fellowship
Webmaster littleflock@netzero.net
created October 5, 2008